🔑Auth by Keys


Ensure you have the following libraries installed:

pip install asyncio json sha256 base58 ed25519 httpx py_near

Import Necessary Modules

import asyncio
import json
from hashlib import sha256
import base58
import ed25519
import httpx
from py_near.account import Account
from app import dao_nc
from configs import CONFIG

Define Keys and Wallet ID

public_key = "[KEY]"
private_key = "...."
wallet_id = "EHGDUJ7GDASucUVU4ngsgUsTYZT1FpG91CTFG8iUmGQ5"
pk = ed25519.SigningKey(base58.b58decode(private_key))

Add Access

The following steps outline how to add access to a wallet.

  1. Get Wallet Information

    wallets = await dao_nc.view_function(
        {"wallet_id": wallet_id},
  2. Prepare Access Data

    access = {"public_keys": [public_key], "rules": []}
    access_json = json.dumps(access).replace(" ", "")
  3. Create and Sign the Message

    msg = access_json + f".{wallet_id}"
    msg_hash = sha256(msg.encode()).digest()
    signature_add = pk.sign(msg_hash)
    signature_add = base58.b58encode(signature_add).decode()
  4. Call the grant_assess Function

    wallets = await dao_nc.function_call(
            "wallet_id": wallet_id,
            "access": access,
            "signatures": [signature_add],
            "auth_method": 0,

Revoke Access

The following steps outline how to revoke access from a wallet.

  1. Create and Sign the Message for Revoking Access

    access_id = 0
    msg = "revoke-auth-{}-{}".format(wallet_id, access_json)
    msg_hash = sha256(msg.encode()).digest()
    signature = pk.sign(msg_hash)
    signature = base58.b58encode(signature).decode()
  2. Call the revoke_assess Function

    wallets = await dao_nc.function_call(
            "wallet_id": wallet_id,
            "access_id": access_id,
            "signatures": [signature],
            "auth_method": 0,

Execute Multiple Actions

The following steps outline how to execute multiple actions in a single call.

  1. Create and Sign the Messages

    access_id = 0
    msg = "revoke-auth-{}-{}".format(wallet_id, access_json)
    msg_hash = sha256(msg.encode()).digest()
    signature = pk.sign(msg_hash)
    signature = base58.b58encode(signature).decode()
  2. Call the execute Function

    wallets = await dao_nc.function_call(
            "actions": [
                    "wallet_id": wallet_id,
                    "signatures": [signature_add],
                    "auth_method": 0,
                    "action": {"Add": access},
                    "wallet_id": wallet_id,
                    "signatures": [signature],
                    "auth_method": 0,
                    "action": {"Revoke": access_id},

Running the Function

To run the function, use the following:


This documentation provides a clear example of how to manage wallet access using digital signatures and API calls in an asynchronous Python environment.

Last updated